You all have seen my lists of seiyuu that anime fan rookies need to study. Now, I'm doing my top favorite seiyuu lists. Of course, I'll type the ladies here. I wanted to type the post last year, but I want a proper Japanese translation obviously. Well, everyone actually wants a translation.
The list is in order. You'll of course type "Where's a young seiyuu of some sort-san/veteran seiyuu X-san?" now. I made the statements of "They (the study material seiyuu lists) are by no means a favorite seiyuu list pair. If that were the case, you don't see seiyuu younger than me". You may think "He's being silly", but I'm blunt. The youngsters are adorable, but they carry the severe flaw of not being interactive or able to reply with fans on Twitter, and the reason why the scenario matters is because that tells me in reality, they have bland personalities for Twitter. Hell, the young baseball players are more interesting than the young seiyuu on Twitter. Hashtag: #Oldmantweet. (Yeah old people!) If I tweet a correction to a young seiyuu, and there's no interaction, that has me thinking "They aren't grateful".
Ah, right. No, my favorite game character's voice actress isn't here. Kawaguti Masayo-san's a journalist normally, and veteran seiyuu X-san are unlucky. That's why.
せいの好きな女声優のリスト(インオーダー)/Sei's Favorite Ladies Seiyuu List (In Order)
1. Hayasibara Megumi-san/林原めぐみさん
Hayasibara-san is the empress of seiyuu. Was there a doubt? No. w
2. Momoi Haruko-san/桃井はるこさん
"Momoi-san's #2?" you'll ask. You'll think "She doesn't carry that grand of a list". For me, Peach Well-san's list is good. She is the James Brown in the Japanese entertainment world. She is a fan. She likes her Samurai Japan and Swallows.
3. Kanai Mika-san/金井美香さん/かないみかさん
"Wait. Who?!" That's right. Kanai-san's my bronze medalist. Her voice's the cutest, cuter than the field's. Oh, and yes, she is cute also.
4. Mituisi Kotono-san/三石琴乃さん
Mituisi-san needs a book. What will the name be? I don't know.
5. Inoue Kikuko-san/井上喜久子さん
Inoue-san is still 17. (Oi oi!) ! If that's the case, is Honoka-san 7? No no no. The pair's interesting. w
6. Kurata Masayo-san/倉田雅世さん
A seiyuu note to keep in mind. If you don't know who she is, Kurata-san's most well-known role outside of Japan is "Love Hina's" Shinobu-san. As for why I tell you this from the start, Shinobu-san's the 10th character on my favorite animation character list, and she's the only one from a Japanese series. (The list in order: Snoopy, Woodstock, the Ninja Turtles, Bugs, Heathcliff, Remy/Gambit and Shinobu-san.) The other part I told the Japanese? She has voiced a quiz game cutie, a romance simulation game cutie and a visual novel that I like.
7. Konno Hiromi-san/今野宏美さん
"Konno Hiromi-san"? I like her pair of romance simulation game cuties. Is she a genius of the genre? Probably. w
8. Hiramatu Akiko-san/平松晶子さん
バスケジャンキー(気狂い)キャラクターか?イエスプリーズ!平松さんのキャラクター好きけど、バスケジャンキーキャラクター!A basketball junkie character? Yes please! I like Hiramatu-san's characters, but basketball junkie character!
9. Enomoto Atsuko-san/榎本温子さん
Enomoto-san. The youngest seiyuu of the list. Her personality's interesting! The scenario of Peach Well-san, but no Enomoto-san for the list's like peanut butter, but no jam. w
10. Nagasawa Miki-san/長沢美樹さん
"Nagasawa-san"? If there's a baseball game, and aliens are the opponents, I want Ryou-san the captain! Mr. Willie Mays is fine also, but I want Ryou-san! Nagasawa-san's character list isn't sexy for you probably, but I like it.
Done! Is the list interesting? I'll type the guys list later.